In the Library Computers class, we learned that Resume Templates are just tables, and that the best way to add and delete information in the table is to use the Table menu to add or delete rows.
Well, here is another great secret to Resume Templates in Word. The templates have built-in Styles that can be accessed via the Style drop down menu (pictured) which is located on the Formatting toolbar.
The picture here is showing the Elegant Resume Template. If you click on Objective, Experience, or any of the other section headers, you will notice that the Style drop down menu will say Section Title. Now, click on one of the lines that lists the years, name of company, and city. Now look at the Style drop down menu. Notice it says Company Name. Now click on one of the bulleted lists. The Style drop down menu now says Achievement.
Those are the built-in Styles. Therefore, if you are adding a new section header, just insert a row, and rather than attempting to reproduce the other section headers, just click on the Style drop down menu and select the Section Title Style. Or, if you have inserted a new row to add information about an additional company, change the Style to Company Name. Notice that the tabs and spacing are automatically added to the Ruler.
NOTE: If you press the Tab key in a table, you will be moved to the next cell. THEREFORE, to utilize an inserted tab, you must press CTRL+Tab.