Friday, March 28, 2008

Performing Reference Interviews Works!

A recent study, The Effects of Librarians’ Behavioral Performance on User Satisfaction in Chat Reference Services, explains that library chat customers have a higher satisfaction rate when librarians conduct a reference interview. How about that!

And I also just read David Lee King's summary of a presentation at the PLA 2008 National Conference that is going on right now. This presentation by Joseph Janes was called "What Does it Take to be Good at Reference in the Age of Google?". One point that the speaker makes is that one thing librarians can do to separate themselves from Google is to conduct a reference interview, regardless of the way the question was received (in person, over the phone, chat, etc.).

So we have two different sources stating the same thing, "Reference Interviews are Good". And in order to satisfy our customers and to stay relevant in the age of Google, we must conduct them.

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