Thursday, March 02, 2006

Internet: Favorites Website

Does your agency have a list of favorite websites? Chances are, you may have added some of them to the Favorites menu on your Internet Explorer. But there is a problem. You can only access those Favorites from that computer.

You could go through some complicated process in which you export your favorites to a floppy disk and then import them to all the other computers. But that would be too time consuming and hard to update.

Fortunately, there is a website for this problem. It is Weird address, I know, but it works. Registration is easy and free.

Once registered, you can create your list of websites that you like to use. Then, no matter what computer you are on, just go to your website to access your favorites. Your website would be (so make sure your username is easy to remember for everyone at your agency). Arrange your favorites in alphabetical order or by frequency of use.

You can also search for other links that others have created. This is a social bookmarking site, so part of creating a link is giving it a tag (or subject heading). You can use this site to search for links that others have found useful. This is an alternative to automated search engines.

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