Friday, March 31, 2006

Librarians Celebrate. I Have a New Index!!!!

In hopes of making it easier for folks to find previously posted topics, I have developed a new index system.

Before, I had to add a new link to the sidebar, so for every entry in the blog, you would see a new link. After a while, that index system would become too unwieldy.

Therefore, I created a account specifically for indexing my blog (another use of this website that I have previously written about not once, but twice now.)

So now, on the sidebar under the Index to Tips, you will see a link Categories by If you click on that you will be taken to this page. The main part of the page lists every post that has been posted on my blog, but the kicker is on the right. The right sidebar has all of the categories that you can click on.

You will also see some Options under all the categories. These options are best set this way:

  1. View as list
  2. Sort by alpha
  3. Show bundles
  4. Use minimum: 1
Let me know if you have any questions. Or, hey, send a comment. It's easy. . .and fun, and a great way to share information with everyone. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I see you already know about

How about this:
Another neat digital library technique is the visualization of subject strings (Library of Congress Subject Headings or LCSH and the like) in a sort of "map". Check out this website below and preform as search of your favorite band. Type in your artist and you will see a map created with similar artists. This site also maps relationships between movies and/or directors .

A library that uses this technology is in Queens. Do a search at the website below and watch the map create relationships to the terms you use. I did one for Memphis and Crump popped up; click on crump and a Boolean search of "Memphis AND Crump" results are displayed.

PWS Branch Library, MPLIC