Today (March 8), we had the first installment of the new series of trainings for Microsoft Word. The training was How Do I Format My Document?
All trainings are one hour long. Since we focused on just one aspect (formatting) I was able to explain some very detailed and complex formatting practices such as:
- Adding space in between your paragraphs
- Adding space in between the individual characters
- Adding space in between the individual lines of a paragraph
- Adding complex character formatting such as strikethroughs or shadows.
I was hoping to cover tabs, bullets and numbers, too, but it is apparent that they need their own hour. Therefore, the class What's Up with Bullets, Numbers and Tabs? will be added to the mix. It will be offered March 29, 9-10am.
For more information on the training series, read this copy of the original training announcement sent February 7:
Following the success of the
Library Computers: When a Customer Asks. . ., Staff Development introduces a new series of trainings. The new series is called
Microsoft Word: When a Customer Asks. . . and consists of multiple-frequent-one-hour training sessions that will focus on one aspect of MS Word.
This arrangement allows for staff to attend only the sections that they are interested in. Each section is specifically aimed at a frequently asked question from customers. The shorter classes will also be easier for scheduling staff away from their agency.
Many of these trainings were included in the Library Computers training; however, we were only able to spend a limited time on these topics. If you found yourself wanting more, now is the chance.
Below are the dates and times that these trainings will be offered. Confer with your manager/supervisor and pick and choose the ones you want to attend. Contact Cynthia to register.
How Do I Format My Document?
Staff will learn the basics of formatting MS Word documents. This includes character and paragraph formatting as well as changing the page setup.
Wednesday March 8 9-10am
Thursday May 18 2-3pm
What's Wrong with My Document?Staff will learn how to assist customers with common MS Word errors.
Wednesday March 22 9-10am
Thursday May 25 2-3pm
How Do I Customize a Resume Template?
Staff will learn how to work with tables in MS Word so that customers' questions regarding resume templates can be answered quickly.
Wednesday April 19 9-10am
Thursday June 1 2-3pm
How Do I Make a Brochure and How Do I Insert Pictures?Staff will learn how to work with columns in MS Word so that customers' questions regarding brochures can be answered quickly. Staff will also learn how to insert and customize pictures in MS Word documents.
Wednesday April 26 9-10am
Thursday June 8 2-3pm
How Do I Create a Chart or Graph?
Staff will learn how to insert data into a MS Excel spreadsheet so that a chart or graph can be created. These charts and graphs can then be pasted into MS Word documents.
Wednesday May 10 9-10am
Thursday June 15 2-3pm