Thursday, August 17, 2006

All About PowerPoint Training and Tutorials

Over the past couple of years as the Technical Trainer, I have had a few requests for PowerPoint training. If you will be giving a work-related presentation and would like to implement a PowerPoint slide show, then you can contact either me or Damone and we can assist you in the development of that presentation.

If you prefer a classroom setting, the City of Memphis Quality and Professional Development offers a full-day training on PowerPoint. The next scheduled session is October 24, 8:00am - 4:30pm. The registration form for all QPD classes can be found on the Staff Development site under Helpful Handouts.

Finally, if you would like to give it a go on your own (as Cynthia proved is possible by winning a prize in the Display Contest on her first attempt at PowerPoint), then you may want to take advantage of some of these online tutorials. Some of these may be for older versions:

Learning Electric
Electric Teacher
List of Sites from Kent State

You see, there are plenty of opportunities. You could just do a web search.

I also have a tip sheet on the finer details of PowerPointing available on the Staff Development Helpful Handouts section. Or you can just click here to get it.

Finally, if you want to learn more about presentation design, check out Garr Reynold's blog, Presentation Zen.

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